Dr. Mike Skramstad, Dr. Meena Barasoum, Dr. Dan Butterman
Provisionalizing and Restoring Implants with CEREC® (CL3)
Where do I start?
CEREC will produce highly esthetic implant restorations with optimized occlusion and contacts, whether you are treating a single tooth or complete quadrant. Fabricating chairside implant restorations opens an avenue to be more productive in one's office whether you are temporizing an implant with a custom healing abutment or provisional restoration or fabricating the final restoration. This workshop is designed to get users familiar with all aspects of restoring implants with the CEREC technology. All CDOCS hands-on workshops are conducted on Primescans utilizing the latest CEREC software. Patterson and Henry Schein Dental training vouchers accepted.
The differences between the various blocks for fabricating provisional and permanent chairside abutments
How to fabricate chairside abutments for implants utilizing CEREC software
How to use CEREC to create temporary and permanent implant restorations
How different tools affect implant proposals and where and when to use them
The CEREC/Galileos connection and the integration between cone beam and CAD/CAM​
File and image management as it relates to implant restorations fabricated with CEREC
To create Maryland bridge temporary restorations for patients waiting for implant integration

How to fabricate custom healing abutments with CEREC
Learn to fabricate screw retained provisionals to create optimal tissue contours

Introduction to restoring implants with CEREC®
Review the application of CAD/CAM and cone beam
Different prpvisionalization techniques for implant dentistry with CEREC®
Thorough material review as it relates to CEREC® and implants
Credit Hours